Dog Personalities
As any owner knows dogs have very distinctive personalities unique to them

What are the fundamental aspects of dog personalities?

All owners know that every dog has a different personality, and that personalities in dogs will vary tremendously depending on the breed.

Some breeds are very gentle and mild mannered, while others may be very high strung or very intimidating.

However, all dogs, regardless of their breed, have four basic parts of their personalities.


The fundamental aspects of dog personalities can be found very early and quite easily in puppies if an owner understands exactly what to look for.

It will be more difficult to understand these aspects if you adopt a dog that is older, but it is still possible.

Basic knowledge of the four principles can help any owner in fully understanding their dog and can go a long way to correcting several potential problems as they mature.

Every litter will have a puppies that are pushy and will not take no for an answer and they will have others that are very sweet but rather shy.

Other members will try to oversee every type of event including the simplest of tasks, while other members of the litter seem to have a very hard to focusing or understanding.

Dogs mysterious eyesDogs are just like people in that they are all different

What compounds this even further, is that some of the fundamentals of dogs personalities may come in different combinations at times, and you may not be sure exactly what you have on your hands.

For example, a puppy may be very shy toward any type of stranger, but rather outspoken and assertive toward their owners.

To help in identifying and correcting potential problems, it all starts with the four basic fundamentals, or the building blocks so to speak of your dog’s personality. What are the four types?

The fundamental aspects of dog personalities are divided into four groupings; Dominance, Fearfulness, Predatory tendencies, and Moodiness.

These are considered the building blocks of your dog’s personality and together create unlimited potential problems as well as unlimited potential for these puppies as they grow and mature.


This is the first of fundamental aspects of dog personalities and is referred to by other names such as the leader of the pack or the Alpha dog.

This personality trait will surface very early in one or more members of the litter.

With this personality, the dog will want to be in charge of everything as it will give them first options on anything that is available.

However, with it come other added responsibilities such as decision making as well as guarding the litter.

It was perhaps the most important trait needed in the very early days of dogs and their ability to survive.

However, it can be a real problem to an owner.

You can spot this form of fundamental aspects of dog personalities very early as it usually surfaces about eight weeks of age.

If it is not corrected, as your dog ages it can lead to your dog growling at you, snapping, or even biting you.

The best way to spot this is watch very early for the puppy that is the most active or always comes first to any type of activity.

It will start to be confirmed if the same dog resists putting on a collar or a lease for the first couple of times.

Do not take this lightly, as it can lead to this puppy becoming aggressive to you or another owner as they age and mature.

The only way to properly correct this potentially serious problem is to demand respect by insisting that this puppy sits on command before receiving any further privileges, including food or treats.

There are several very good trainers that can also deal with dominance, but it can easily start with the owner making the rules, not the dog.


The next type of fundamental aspects of dog personalities is fear. Most of this fear will come from the environment in which the puppy will grow up in.

Just like with infant children, very early events can affect puppies for their entire life.

For the first 4 to 12 weeks of a puppy’s life, they are learning the socialization process and experiencing life for the first time.

Their immediate environment is critical in this process, as their minds are like sponges as they absorb everything they see, hear, and explore.

You can easily identify the fearful puppy as they will act very shy, roll or squat when confronted by the owner, may hide from strangers, as well as avoid any loud noises.

They may also avoid anything they are not familiar with, constantly follow their owners, and cry if left alone.

You may never actually know or understand what has frightened them, and you may have only one or two shots at correcting it.

Once this form of fundamental aspects of dog personalities is identified, treat these puppies with as much loving care as you can.

Introduce them to as many goods experiences as you can such as playing with them gently, treat them with a toy, and look for something they did when you asked them.

Once this is done, reward them immediately with a treat. This will pour into their brain as well, and can do wonders for this fear as they adjust to life.


The next of the fundamental aspects of dog personalities is predatory tendencies.

All dogs are natural predators, as it is an innate trait that at one time was their only chance at surviving.

However, some dogs will be more predatory than others.

There is not much an owner can do about this; in fact, depending on the breed, it may be exactly what you want.

A puppy will either have an abundance of it or they may have very little of it. However, it is still very important to identify as early as you can.

The best way to test for it is with a tennis ball or a small toy.

If your puppy is obsessed with this object, follows it excessively if you throw it or drag it, they have a very high level of this form of personality.

If they also pick up objects and shake it violently in their mouth, this is their natural killing instinct, also showing they have a high degree of this tendency.

You can not stop it, but you can slow it down. Do not place a dog with this form of predatory traits in a front yard, even with a fence, as they will chase everything in sight.

If you can place an electric fence around your yard with a shock collars, this will not prevent it.

However it will at least slow them down and keep them safe as well as preventing a potentially dangerous situation for your dog.


The final form of the fundamental aspects of dog personalities is also the hardest to accurately assess; moodiness.

Some dogs are simply more stable while others will react strangely in certain situations.

The easiest way to identify this type of behavior is to watch for the crash and burn lifestyle where they are very exuberant and then suddenly seem to be distressed.

You may also refer to it as a Jekyll and Hyde type of mentality where one minute they are fine, and the next very troubled.

The best way to prevent this is a constant loving environment that is full of direct and very clear communication in these early days.


Fundamental aspects of dog personalities, are just that; fundamental or building blocks.

Puppies as well as young dogs will show other personality traits such as confidence without dominance, as well as sensitivity that is not really fearful.

Some dogs will naturally be more sociable than others and react differently to a myriad of situations.

Understanding the early building blocks and identifying potential problems early will stay with your puppy throughout their lives.

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