Dogs Gastric Ulcers
There are several natural treatments that can help with this condition

Dogs gastric ulcers, is this possible? Can a dog actually get an ulcer? The answer is yes they can, and it is a lot more common than most dogs owners realize.

In fully understanding exactly what ulcers in dogs actually are, it is best to understand what they are not.

Ulcers in humans and dogs are very similar, in that the original cause of an ulcer will be from bacteria, usually from water or food that has been infected.

Peptic ulcers that form within the stomach are called dogs gastric ulcers, and occur when either the intestine or the stomachs protective layers become weak.

When this occurs, digestive juices can and often does damage the intestine or the tissues of your pet’s stomach.

These juices contain hydrochloric acid and an enzyme that is called pepsin, thus the term peptic ulcers.

These type of ulcers can also cause damage to the esophagus, which is the tube that leads from you dogs stomach to their throat

But there is a fine line between dogs gastric ulcers, and a condition called canine gastritis.

Gastritis is a condition that also affects your dog’s stomach, causing it to become irritated as well as inflamed.

If it is only inflammation, and not an infection, the symptoms will be much less severe.

It is estimated that over fifty percent of dogs worldwide may have an ulcer or gastritis.


There can be two different causes of dogs gastric ulcers.

The first is from a bacterium that is called Helicobacter pylori, also referred to as H. pylori. This is believed to be the major cause, but that is starting to change.

Just like with people, especially in the United States, not everyone, or every dog that is infected with this bacteria will develop ulcers.

A lot of it will depend on the strength of the immune system and the actual type of H. pylori that has infected your dog.

Dogs mysterious eyesDogs gastric ulcers first warning sign is vomiting

Water supplies in the United States are also a lot safer than in several parts of the world.

The second cause was almost nonexistent just ten years ago, but it now considered a real potential contributor to ulcers in dogs.

Non-steroidal or anti-inflammatory drugs, referred to as NSAIDs, are fast becoming a concern for producing dog gastric ulcers.

These drugs breakdown the stomach acids in your dog in the same way that the bacterium does, and are now widely used in dogs with joint problems or for pain after a surgery.

It has been a real breakthrough in easing pain, but it has several side effects, including causing ulcers.

The common misconception with some dog owners that stress can cause ulcers has no real proof to back this up, but it has proven to cause minor symptoms of gastritis.


There are several symptoms that owners can watch for an easily identify that your dog will have either gastritis or actual peptic ulcers.

If these symptoms are chronic and more severe in nature, they most likely have an ulcer.

The first obvious symptom will be abdominal cramping and pain in your dog’s stomach, followed by diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting.

What you will really need to watch for is bloating in your dog, as this can be much more serious than just an ulcer, as bloat in dogs can take their life very quickly.

If the conditions continue to worsen and become chronic, your dog will start to lose their appetite altogether.

This could than lead to a loss in weight as well as your pet becoming weak, and also runs the risk of anemia.

One other symptom you to watch for is your dog starting to vomit a clear, yellowish liquid.

This is not real serious, and usually just indicates that your dog’s stomach is empty and the bile and acids that have accumulated make them vomit.

Although uncomfortable for your dog, it is not real severe.


The good news about dogs gastric ulcers is that it has several methods of treatment, as well as prevention, and they have proven to be very effective.

To help you’re pet limit the yellowish vomiting or mild vomiting, simply feed them more frequently.

You might also want to try giving them some wet dog food, or try putting some water in their dry kibble.

When you’re pet east only dry food, the food expands in their stomach. Watering it will help the natural enzyme process in breaking it down before expanding.

Medications for humans are also very effective for dogs with ulcers, such as Pepcid AC, Zantac, and Tagement, although they are quite expensive.

Other supplements such as L-glutamine, which is an amino acid that protects and heals your dog’s mucous membranes, is also very effective.

There are also vitamins and minerals that will help.

Vitamin A helps the healing processes of your dog’s mucous membranes, and the mineral Zinc help to repair the damages tissues in the stomach and digestive tract.

However, there is one thing that most dog owners don’t realize that is almost a miracle cure for ulcers in dogs.


Licorice or licorice root has a very long history of soothing inflamed and injured mucous membranes in digestive tracts. Licorice root also helps to stimulate cell growth in the stomach lining.

Dogs gastric ulcers can be very easily controlled, if you watch for the symptoms and react quickly to them.

Natural Treatments for Dogs Gastric Ulcers

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