Bloody Urine in Cats
Is never normal and is your first sign something is terribly wrong

Bloody urine in cats is not a normal condition under any circumstances in your pet.

It can be caused by something as simple as a urinary tract infection, or it can be something much more sinister.

Whatever the cause, it is the first warning signal that you will see that something is wrong with your cat and should be treated very seriously.

If this situation is severe enough, it can lead to anemia in your cat which can cause them to become extremely weak and collapse.


Hematuria is the medical name given to bloody urine in cats and it is means exactly what it is, blood in the urine.

It is the presence of red blood cells in the urine and it takes on two different forms; microscopic or gross.

The microscopic form implies that these blood cells can only be seen once they are examined under a microscope, and the gross form implies that the blood cells are visible to the eye.


There are several potential causes of bloody urine in cats and they can range from a very simple bacterial urinary tract infection to cancer of the bladder or the urethra.

Most cases of urinary tract infections are caused by a bacterium, although some are caused by a fungal infection.

When your cat does develop a urinary infection, it affects your pet’s bladder or the urethra which is the tube that carries urine from the bladder out of the body.

In a few cases, it can affect both.

Beautiful catsThe real warning sign is a sudden difficulty in urinating

Cats with a urinary infection will almost always show similar symptoms, but they will vary in degree.

The most telling symptom that your cat has a urinary infection will be frequent and long attempts to urinate and in each attempt the amount of urine will be very small.

They will also dramatically alter their litter box habits and look for a cool spot to urinate simply because it comforts them as it is how now become painful.

With this type of infection, there are usually only small amounts of blood that will quickly disappear when the infection runs its course or is corrected by antibiotics.

The next form of bloody urine is caused by stones in the bladder or the urethra.

Kidney or bladder stones in cats are very similar to those in humans and are composed of mineral salts found calcium, magnesium, ammonia, phosphorus, and carbonates.

If the concentration of these mineral slats becomes too high, they start to build in layers; one layer on top of the other until a stone is formed.

The urine in your cat is very acidic and as a result there are usually dietary factors that make the urine more basic and contribute to these stone formations.


The symptoms of either of these stones is very similar to a urinary tract infection in that your cat will have a very difficult time urinating, but it is a lot more painful than an infection.

As a result, there can be more blood in the urine. Urinary or reproductive disorders such as uterine infection and vaginitis are also causes of bloody urine in your cat.

Uterine prolapse is the protrusion of your pets uterus though the cervix into the vagina.

It is somewhat of an uncommon condition in cats and usually occurs directly after birth, but it can also be occur during an abortive litter and the result is severe bleeding in your cat’s urine.

Vaginitis is the inflammation of your pet’s vagina and can occur at any age and can affect both spayed and intact cats.

This inflammation can be the result of congenital defects, urinary infections, vaginal infections, as well as tumors.

It can also cause blood to seep into the urine's and cause bloody urine in cats.

Congenital abnormalities, which are present at the birth of your cat, can also lead to bloody urine in cats with a condition known as urachus.

This is a situation where your pet’s bladder is out-patched.

In the fetus, the urachus is a tubular structure that exits the naval area and connects the kittens balder to the placental tissues.

This tubular structure allows urine to exit the fetus and is absorbed into the mothers system where it is eliminated.

After birth, it should be completely closed and non-functional. However, if there is a defect, it can cause blood to enter your pet’s urine until it is corrected.

It can also be the cause of severe bleeding if it is not treated and is a very dangerous situation for you cat.

However, the most dangerous forms of bloody urine in cats are from cancer in the balder or the urethra.

Bladder cancer tumors in cats are not very common, but of the forms of transitional cell carcinoma, it is the most common cause diagnosed.


This is a form of cancer that usually starts on the inside of your cat bladder or the urethra, but it can also form on the wall of the urinary tract.

The actual cause of this type of cancer is still unknown, but it is believed to be the result of carcinogens, which are cancer causing chemicals that are excreted from your cat’s urine.

It is also believed that certain flea and tick dips may be the trigger point in the formation of these tumors and that will trigger bloody urine in cats.

The first symptom that you will see in your cat will be blood in their urine; but this will not be the microscopic form.

Instead it will be the visible form where you can definitely identify it as blood.

As it increases in severity, there will be more blood found in the urine.

This is a life threatening situation that your cat is now facing and they will need immediate veterinarian care.

If it is not promptly treated, it can totally shut down your cats urinary system and this will rapidly lead to toxicity in your cat.

This form of cancer can also metastasize or spread very rapidly to other parts of your pet’s body.

Urethritis, which is not quite as severe, is the inflammation of your cat’s urethra as a result of an injury, an infection, or cancer.

When any of these occur, your pet’s urethra swells and then narrows and the flow of urine becomes impeded. When this happens and your cat strains to urinate, the bleeding starts.


Bloody urine in cats is never normal and should be an immediate sign that something is wrong.

It may not be anything real serious, but it can run the gamete as it can be a life threatening situation if it is cancer.

It should never be ignored and should be treated immediately as it could ultimately save your cats life.

Pet Medications for Bloody Urine in Cats

Cat Vitamin Store

Bladder Ruptures in Cats