Serious Symptoms in Cats
Understanding them may someday save the life of your cat

Serious symptoms in cats should never be ignored even if think the symptom were only temporary, as it may be the first signs that you have of a possible life threatening problem.

A symptom in your cat may be defined as a characteristic sign or an indication that something else may exist.

It can also be defined as a warning signal or an indication of a disease or disorder.

This is especially true if it is a change in a normal function that your cat performs, some type of a sensation change, or a sudden change in their appearance.


There are several different symptoms that your cat may face, but here are some of the most dangerous ones that should never be ignored.

Trouble Urinating

One of the most serious symptoms in cats starts if your pet suddenly has trouble urinating.

This is a very broad definition and can include frequent attempts in trying to urinate where the production is very low, straining to urinate, or urinating outside of the litter box.

It can also include more time spent in the litter box or perhaps one of the chilling symptoms you will ever see if your cat; discomfort when trying to urinate.

Beautiful catsOne of the most Serious symptoms in cats is coughing

Discomfort by your cat when urinating is often accompanied by your cat crying out in pain and it is a cry that you never forget as they are calling for help.

These symptoms may indicate some type of blockage in your pets urinary tract.

If it is severe and not treated very quickly, your cat may be dead within twenty four hours.

It could also be the first signs of bladder stones, inflammation of their urethra, or tumors that have developed in their bladder.

Urinating and Drinking Excessively

The next set of serious symptoms in cats is urinating or drinking excessively.

Water is the most critical nutrient in your pet’s body and they can go for days in some cases without eating and survive.

However, if they lose over ten percent of their body fluids, it can be a catastrophic situation.

If your cat suddenly starts to urinate and then drink much more frequently, it is almost always the first signs of kidney failure.

However, it could also be diabetes, some type of a thyroid gland problem, or a condition called pyometra which is infection of the uterine.

Cats need to consume 2.5 times the amount of water of the daily food intake.

If your cat eats four ounces of food a day, they need 10 ounces of water.

However, if they are urinating and then drinking excessively, the excess drinking will not make up for the water loss.

Not Eating or Appetite Loss

Coming right behind excessive urinating and drinking as serious symptoms in cats is when your pet stops eating which will include drinking as well.

The first sign of a very ill cat is when they stop doing both.

All cats as any owners can attest to, can be picky eaters at times, but this is completely different as your cat will become anorexic almost instantly in this case.

Whatever the underlying cause is, suddenly not eating can threaten their lives especially if your cat is less than a year old.

As a result of this, one of the signs that usually follow directly behind sudden anorexia is labored breathing.

Respiratory Distress

Dyspnea, which is a labored breathing or a very sudden difficulty in breathing, is another set of serious symptoms in cats.

The signs that your cat will show you with this condition may happen at any point in their breathing process. It may be trouble breathing in or breathing out.

Dyspnea is often the result of edema, which is the accumulation of fluid in either in your pet’s lungs or their chest cavities.

This fluid buildup is causing your cat to show you the signs of shortness in breath, and as a result they may start to breathe through their mouth and then start to cough.

Coughing is one of the worst signs you can see in your cat.

However, perhaps the most dangerous underlying action that is now occurring is the loss of oxygen to the tissues of your pet including the heart.



Coughing in cats may be a reflex reaction to clear something from the throat, but it is extremely uncommon for it to last for any duration.

It is one of scariest and most serious symptoms in cats that you can ever hear from your pet.

In fact, if you hear it more than a couple of times, it should stop you cold in your tracts, as it that serious.

It will signal you that something is terribly wrong and it can include bronchitis, pneumonia, or lung tumors.

However, it is most often the first sign that may have that your cat has heart worms.

Once thought to be only a problem in dogs, it is also now attacking the feline community much more and it only takes one to two heart worms to cause heart failure in your cat.

Pale Gums

Pale gums are one of the most serious symptoms in cats, and if you spot it early, you should immediately seek medical attention as something is seriously wrong with your pet.

Anemia is almost always the cause, and this is a condition where your cat has a very low red blood cell count or a blood loss.

However, even more dangerous are the destruction or inadequate production of red blood cells.

There are severe potential causes such as an iron deficiency, some type of an infectious disease, or cancer.

It can also be caused by an immune mediated disease where you cats cells are attacking each other resulting in the cells destruction.


There are several other serious symptoms in cats such as jaundice, which will cause your cat to develop a yellowish tint in most of their membranes

Fevers as well as any type of blood in the urine, stools, or vomit are also extremely serious symptoms.

The key to these symptoms is to understand the severity of them and then reacting as quickly as you can with professional medical treatment.

In some cases it may be just a matter of hours before they become life threatening.

Pet Medications for Serious Symptoms in Cats

Cat Vitamin Store

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