Pollakiuria in Cats
Not only will they begin to urinate a lot more it will be very painful

Pollakiuria in cats is a condition where your pet starts to urinate much more frequently and usually in very small amounts.

Although all cats will experience some form of this complication on a temporary basis, a chronic form is most always caused by something much more serious.

Pollakiuria will also result in your cat suddenly having accidents in the house where they have never had any such incident before.

There are a myriad of potential underlying causes for this development in your cat, ranging from a partial obstruction to cancer.

It may also be the development of a nervous condition in your cat.

Whatever the cause of Pollakiuria in cats is, it is not normal, and as the symptoms develop you need to see a veterinarian as quickly as possible.


Green eyes in catsPollakiuria in cats may be prevented by supplements

The first set of symptoms with Pollakiuria in cats may be a lot of pain in your cat when they try to urinate.

This is most always the sign of a urinary tract infection, or if more severe, it is some type of a blockage in the urinary tract.

A blockage is extremely dangerous as it can cause a toxic buildup in your pets system.

Your cat may also experience blood in the urine, which is a condition known as Hematuria.

This is caused by red blood cells in the urine and this may be may be the first signal that your cat may be developing cancer.

Your cat may also develop Polyuria which is a situation where your pet suddenly starts to drink and excessive amount of water.

Pollakiuria is the result.

However, with this particular symptom, your cat usually starts will urinate much more frequently as well, but not in small amounts.

The combination of a large water intake and frequent but small amounts of urine is defiantly a sign that something is wrong.

If Pollakiuria in cats is starting any type of toxicity in your cat, they will also start to vomit as well as to develop diarrhea.

A high fever will also be associated with this condition as it has now reached the point of being a very serious threat to your cat.


There are three major disease groups that may be causing Pollakiuria in cats; Diseases of the Urinary Bladder and Urethra, Diseases of the Prostrate, or Diseases of the External Genitalia.

Diseases of the Urinary Bladder and Urethra

Pollakiuria in cats can be caused by a urinary tract infection, but contrary to popular belief, these infections are actually very rare in cats.

In fact, only about one percent of all cats actually get an actual urinary tract infection.

However, what they frequently do get is a disorder where stones are formed from accumulation of crystals in their urinary tract.

Accidents by your cat are the first sign that this blockage is occurring.

Cats by their nature are extremely tolerant to pain, but they will show you that something is wrong by purring and snuggling much more frequently.

However, one of the most overlooked causes of Pollakiuria is neurological disorders. This condition is almost always brought on by either upper or lower motor lesions.

These lesions develop in the sacral spinal cord or the pelvic nerves, and the first visible symptoms will be a change in your cat’s urinary habits.

This will be apparent by going a lot more frequently but in very small quantities.

Diseases of the Prostrate

The next major possibly for Pollakiuria in cats will be with the prostate in male cats. Inflammation of the prostate gland in cats has several potential causes.

However the result is almost always Pollakiuria

can be caused by cystic hyperplasic, which is a cyst, or it can be caused by a bacterial infection.

If your cat has been treated for a urinary infection with DES, which is a synthetic form of estrogen, if can very easily cause your male cats prostate to become enlarged.

Tumors of the prostate and cancer also trigger this condition as it is the first warning signs as well. Abscesses in the prostrate may also be the cause.

Disease of the External Genitalia

With female cats, the most definitive causes for this condition will be an inflammation of the vagina or cancer.

Inflammation in the vagina of cats is not nearly as common as it is in dogs, and it will usually occur only in young cats as it is associated with the first estrous cycle.

Cancer is still the major concern.


Treatment will of course depend on the actual underlying condition in your pet.

However, the best thing you can do in treating this very painful condition in your cat is to prevent it from ever happening.

Feline Urologic syndrome, urinary tract infections, and cysts can be prevented very successfully with Vitamins.

If your cat does get any type of urinary infections, feed those infections with 500 mg of Vitamin C and 100 IU of vitamin E mixed with chicken broth.

400 IU of Vitamin D mixed with one quarter tablespoon of cod liver oil is also very effective if it is a severe infection.

Within two to three weeks the condition should improve back to normal unless it is a serious disease causing it.

500 to 800 mg of Vitamin C for cats is also extremely effective at reducing both kidney stones and cysts.

Supplementing your cat regularly with these vitamins may help to prevent this condition for ever developing.


Pollakiuria in cats is not a normal condition and can be very painful to your feline companion. It can also be the first sign of some very serious underlying conditions.

Supplementing you cat properly helps them fight this condition from ever developing.

Pet Medications for Pollakiuria in Cats

Cat Vitamin Store

Bladder Ruptures in Cats