Hemangiosarcoma in Cats
Can cause your cat to bleed to death if they were to rupture

Hemangiosarcoma in cats attacks mainly older cats and it has absolutely no breed preference in its destruction.

It is an especially vicious disease that will cause your pet to become very weak and it most cases will cause them to begin collapsing.

They may also start to develop a difficulty in breathing, as well as pale or white gums.

White gums are almost always the sign that anemia has developed and it has become very serious.

But perhaps the most painful part of this disease is the swelling of your cats bones and as a result they will become very painful.

But the real danger is just starting; as it can also cause your cat to bleed to death very rapidly if a rupture occurs.


Hemangiosarcoma in cats is a malignant cancer.

However it is different than many other forms of cancer in that it is a cancer of the cells that forms in your pets blood vessels.

Because of this, it can virtually start anywhere in your cats body, although it will generally start in their internal organs or skin.

If it starts in the organs, it is generally the liver or the spleen.

It is technically described as a highly invasive form of cancer in that it is a blood fed sarcoma.

In other words, your cats blood vessels grow directly into the tumor and as a result the tumor is filled with blood.

It can cause your cat to bleed profusely if they are cut, but if the tumor itself ruptures; your cat can bleed to death very rapidly if medical emergency treatment is not administered.

Hemangiosarcoma in cats will most often appear in your pets spleen, liver, or the right heart-base; although it can also appear on the skin or in their bones.

It is the most common tumor that affects the heart, and when it does, it will appear in the right atrium. If this occurs, it can very rapidly cause a right heart failure.

Cute KittensThe good news is Hemangiosarcoma in cats has successful treatments

If it located in the spleen or liver, it is the most common tumor that can cause a hemorrhage in your cat’s abdomen.

If it does develop on the skin, it is still very dangerous and will appear as a very small red or blue and black bump.

It can also occur under your cats skin, and if it does affect the skin, it is generally caused by the over exposure to sun light.


The symptoms of Hemangiosarcoma in cats will all depend on where the actual tumor has located in your cats body.

It is very important to remember that this is a very aggressive cancer and can rapidly spread it is not caught and treated.

The warning signs very seldom occur before the tumor ruptures, and as a result, if you see the symptoms, you may have very little to react before your cat bleeds to death.

If Hemangiosarcoma in cats is located in the spleen or the liver, the first symptoms will be a fluid buildup in their abdomen as a result of blood flowing into it.

This will result in a very rapid anemia development in your cat that will cause them to become very weak. As it intensifies, in will cause your cat to collapse.

During this time, your cat’s gums will become pale to the point of being almost white. If you see white gums, you have precious little time to react.

When Hemangiosarcoma in cats attacks the heart, you will also see the fluid buildup in their abdomen as well as the weakness and then a collapse.

However, with this form you will also see your cat suddenly having very difficult time breathing.

Your cat is experiencing what is known as pericardial effusion, which a liquid around the heart.

When this occurs, the pericardium, which is the very thin sac that surrounds the heart, fills with liquid and makes it very difficult for your cat to breath.

However, this is not just a watery type of liquid; it is blood as the result of the tumor that has ruptured.

If the tumor occurs in your cat’s skin, the symptoms will be very obvious as either a mass or a lump can be felt on or under the skin.

If the rupture occurs in a bone of your cat, the symptoms will be extreme pain in the bones and your cat may not be able to walk.


There are some treatments for Hemangiosarcoma in cats, but the most successful treatment will be if the tumors affect your cats skin or the bones.

If they burst and affect the internal organs, they can be treated.

However the chances of a long term survival from this very wicked form of cancer are extremely poor at best.

If the tumor has affected the internal organs, the first form of treatment by your veterinarian will be to stabilize your cat as this is a life threatening condition they are facing and they may go into shock.

Intravenous fluids will be used as well as transfusions to stop the anemia, and this may include whole blood or just red blood cells.

If Hemangiosarcoma in cats has affected the heart, a pericardial tap is used to remove the fluid around the heart.

Once the fluid is removed, it will stabilize them so surgery may be performed.

If the tumor has attacked the spleen, the entire spleen is usually removed and cats with this procedure can again lead a normal life as this removal does not threaten their overall health.

However, there are potential complications that you will need to visit with your veterinarian about. Removing the spleen can cause infections as well as a continued bleeding.

If the tumor has affected the heart, it may also be removed surgically, and will help to prevent the fluid buildup, but it is not always successful.

There are also several potential complications that include infection, more bleeding, as well as introducing air into the chest cavity.

Chemotherapy as well as radiation may also be tried but they are quite expensive and this is something you will need to spend serious time in discussing these options with your veterinarian.

the tumor is on or under the skin, your cat has a much better chance at long term survival.

Your veterinarian in this case will remove the affected tissue as well as the surrounding tissue as it is often infected as well by this wicked cancer.

If the infected areas are not successfully removed, the tumor will rapidly grow back.

If it has affected a bone, the bone itself may need to be removed.


Hemangiosarcoma in cats is a very wicked form of cancer that attacks your pet’s blood cells and the only chance of survival your cat will have is if you can identify the symptoms very early.

In almost every case, the symptoms will not occur until the tumor has burst, leaving you very little time to react.

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