Cat Fluid Bumps
A vitamin deficiency is generally the underlying cause

Cat fluid bumps can be very painful to your pet and could be the result of several different types of conditions including pustules, vesicles, or abscesses.

These conditions are the result of several different underlying causes and could be very difficult to quickly diagnosis.


Cat fluid bumps may be something very easy to treat, but it could also be the start of something sinister in your cat.

Small fluid bumps are called pustules and are pus filled lesions that are almost blister-like in nature.

They are most common in feline acne and will usually occur on your cats face, chin, neck, or shoulders, and it is almost always a bacterial infection.

If they are filled with fluid, than they are referred to as a vesicle.

A vesicle is also very small and is usually about the size as the top of a pin. They break or pop very easily and when they do they release fluid onto your cat’s skin.

When this fluid dries it will leave the skin crusty with a yellow tint.

These lesions are almost always caused by an underlying disease.

The largest of cat fluid bumps are referred to as abscesses which are much more dangerous to your cat.

These forms are a localized collection of pus that has become surrounded by swelling and as a result is inflamed.

Adorable kittensCat fluid bumps are almost always the result of a vitamin deficiency

These lesions occur in infected areas of tissue in your cat and their immune system is trying to fight them off.

Your cat’s white blood cells are moving in the blood vessels and collecting in the damaged tissue. When this happens, pus is formed.

The pus is a buildup of fluids; both living and dead white blood cells, dead tissue, as well as bacteria.

Unlike pustules and vesicles, they are very easy to spot on your cat. The following are some types of fluid bump infections.


Abscesses in cats are fairly common, but they are still dangerous.

Most of the time they are self-induced by your cats biting themselves as the result of a bacterial infection, but they can also be caused by a minor injury.

They can also be caused by boils.

Although boils are more common in dogs, they can occur in cats. Abscesses may also be caused by folliculitis.

These types of lesions are firm, fluid filled nodules and can vary in size and severity.

They will have a small crusty area at or near the original bite or injury area, and they may open and drain on their own which spreads the infection.

Along with these symptoms your cat may also experience a fever, loss of appetite, and depression from the pain.

The only effective treatment will be to have them surgically opened, drained, and then treated with antibiotics.


These cat fluid bumps are caused by infections of your pet’s hair follicles and the symptoms will appear on the neck, face and the head.

What has happened is that pustules have developed in the hair follicles, have opened, and have now formed crusty spots in your cat’s skin.

Besides the crusting, other symptoms may include severe itching which is followed by hair loss in or around the infected areas.

To properly treat this infection, your veterinarian will have to scrap the skin and run a culture, as well as a biopsy.

It is usually caused by an allergic reaction but could also be caused by Feline Immunodeficiency Virus, or FIV.

This is from the same family of virus that attacks your cat with feline leukemia and is very similar to HIV in humans.

Because of this possibility, this type of fluid lesion should be checked very carefully.

It is treated initially with antibiotics to help clear it up, and then it will be tested for the other potential underlying causes.


Feline acne does not have a single known cause as the actual cause may never be determined.

This form of cat fluid bumps may occur only once in your cats lifetime or it may develop into a chronic condition.

If it becomes chronic and is not treated, these infections can deepen in your cat and become very serious.

The black heads usually occur on your pet’s lips or chin and will develop pustules as well as small nodules.

The symptoms will be a severe itching by your cat which can very easily spread, causing more swelling.

In mild cases, antibacterial shampoos and creams will be used, along with vitamin A supplements.

In severe cases, fatty acids will be used as a treatment along with Vitamin A.


These cat fluid bumps are a collection of blood that has become localized and leaked out of the blood vessels, caused a bruising effect in your cat’s skin.

These types of fluid bumps will either be firm or fluid filled, and can vary by size. They most often affect your cat ears.

They are extremely painful for your cat and if not treated correctly can cause a permanent deformation of the ear.

With this condition, there is almost always an underlying disease that has caused your cat to traumatize their own ear.

If small, most of these lesions eventually resolve themselves, but if they are large, they will need to be drained and treated with antibiotics.


This type of cat fluid bumps are the most common form of pemphigus which is a group of immune mediated skin diseases that involve the attachment of skin cells to one another.

In the most common form vesicles are formed which can very easily rupture and develop into ulcerative lesions.

It is most often caused by an autoimmune disease and affects both the feet and the head. However, it can also start with pustules and can progress into a very severe crusting.

The symptoms include a discoloration of the nose, severe itching, and if the feet are affected, it mat cause lameness. There forms of treatment will be Corticosteroids or gold injections.


Cat fluid bumps can have several different underlying causes, but as with most skin conditions, it is most often a deficiency of Vitamins A, E, C or Zinc.

Ensuring that your cat has a strong enough immune system and supplementing them properly will be critical in fighting these infection

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